
Goods Type Spicesspices
Goods Type Category 4
Local Specialty -
How to get
Location From Area Region Note
HormuzHormuz Market Keeper Africa / India Eastern Africa/India
RunRun Market Keeper Asia Southeast Asia
Naples OutskirtsNaples Outskirts CollectionCollection Europe Eastern Europe
Used as material in
Recipe Materials Result Note
Summer roll recipe
PorkPork x2
MintMint x1
Rice PaperRice Paper x1
Goi CuonGoi Cuon x1-2 MA item
World Rice Dishes
Stewed Meat Dishes
BeefBeef x4
PotatoesPotatoes x2
MintMint x2
Minted Beef SoupMinted Beef Soup x1-3
A robust, easily grown herb with a fresh and volatile fragrance.