EIC Cuisine Collection

EIC Cuisine Collection
Item Type Recipe
Recipe Type CookingCooking
Plunderable Yes
UWC item No
How to get
Port Continent Region From Details
Recipe Formula
Recipe Materials Result Note
Thin sheet of rice recipe
Wetland_RiceWetland_Rice x1 Rice PaperRice Paper x1
Make Onigiri (Salmon)
Wetland_RiceWetland_Rice x2
SaltSalt x1
SalmonSalmon x1
OnigiriOnigiri x1 MA item
Japanese Cuisine
Pacific Speciality Dishes
World Rice Dishes
Salted Cod Roe
SaltSalt x1
CodCod x1
Salted Cod RoeSalted Cod Roe x1-2
Soup with Meatballs
OnionsOnions x1
PorkPork x1
PepperPepper x1
Peanut CakePeanut Cake x1-2 MA item
Taiwan Cuisine
Make Baozi (Pork)
OnionsOnions x1
PorkPork x1
FlourFlour x1
BaoziBaozi x1 MA item
South China Cuisine
Imperial Cuisine of Wrapped Ingredients
MushroomsMushrooms x1
CarrotsCarrots x1
GarlicGarlic x1
GujeolpanGujeolpan x1 MA item
Korean Cuisine
Processing Soya Beans
Soya BeansSoya Beans x3
BrineBrine x1
RocksRocks x1
TofuTofu x1-2 MA item
Japanese Cuisine
A Light Dish of Rice and Potatoes
Sweet PotatoesSweet Potatoes x2
Wetland_RiceWetland_Rice x1
SaltSalt x1
Sweet Potato CongeeSweet Potato Congee x1-2 MA item
Taiwan Cuisine
Exquisite Sweets Of The World
World Rice Dishes
Soup-boiled Pork Dish
PorkPork x1
MushroomsMushrooms x2
SaltSalt x1
Pork ThickPork Thick x1-2 MA item
Taiwan Cuisine
Beef and Veggie Grilled Dish
BeefBeef x1
OnionsOnions x1
SugarSugar x1
BulgogiBulgogi x1 MA item
Korean Cuisine
Steamed meat and veggies wrap
PorkPork x1
FlourFlour x3
Oyster SauceOyster Sauce x1
ShumaiShumai x1 MA item
South China Cuisine
Pacific Speciality Dishes
Belly buster menu
FishFish x2
Wetland_RiceWetland_Rice x2
EggsEggs x1
MohingaMohinga x1 MA item
World Rice Dishes
Delicious fried rice
Wetland_RiceWetland_Rice x2
ChilliesChillies x1
ShrimpShrimp x1
Nasi GorengNasi Goreng x1 MA item
Enjoy The Taste Of Shrimp
World Rice Dishes
Deep fried banana
FlourFlour x2
BananasBananas x1
Vegetable OilVegetable Oil x1
Banana FryBanana Fry x1
Noodle soup
Wetland_RiceWetland_Rice x1
OnionsOnions x1
PoultryPoultry x2
PhoPho x1 MA item
World Rice Dishes
Cooking with Berry Seeds
MilkMilk x2
SugarSugar x2
Apricot SeedsApricot Seeds x1
Almond JellyAlmond Jelly x1 MA item
South China Cuisine
Seaweed and Tofu Soup
MisoMiso x1
SeaweedSeaweed x2
TofuTofu x1
Seaweed and Miso SoupSeaweed and Miso Soup x1 MA item
Japanese Cuisine
Summer roll recipe
PorkPork x2
MintMint x1
Rice PaperRice Paper x1
Goi CuonGoi Cuon x1 MA item
World Rice Dishes
Springy-textured Sweet Treat
Sticky RiceSticky Rice x4
SugarSugar x4
Soya SauceSoya Sauce x1
YaksikYaksik x1 MA item
Korean Cuisine
Exquisite Sweets Of The World
Tropical curry recipe
PoultryPoultry x2
CoconutsCoconuts x1
TurmericTurmeric x1
Coconut Rice CurryCoconut Rice Curry x1 MA item
Pacific Speciality Dishes
Pork Dish with Sesame Sauce
PorkPork x3
Soya SauceSoya Sauce x1
Sesame SeedsSesame Seeds x3
Ryukyu PorkRyukyu Pork x3 MA item
Advanced Products (No.2)
A book detailing methods for preparing cuisines from around the world.
Compiled by the East India Company.
Cooking Skill Rank 4~