Naples Outskirts

Naples Outskirts
Location Type Outskirts
Region Eastern Europe
Subregion Ionian Sea
Coordinate -
Connected to NaplesNaples
Items Type From Details
Perception Of Scholar Pet
OintmentsOintments Consumables Pet
Sail Paint Type 9Sail Paint Type 9 Consumables Pet
Stomach Medicine Pet
EggsEggs Goods CollectionCollection
Red FlowersRed Flowers Goods CollectionCollection
MushroomsMushrooms Goods CollectionCollection
CricketsCrickets Goods CollectionCollection
Vegetable OilVegetable Oil Goods CollectionCollection
OreganoOregano Goods CollectionCollection
HazelnutsHazelnuts Goods CollectionCollection
MintMint Goods CollectionCollection
Common GrassCommon Grass Goods CollectionCollection
Dull LongswordDull Longsword Weapon Item SearchSearch
Rusty short swordRusty short sword Weapon Item SearchSearch
Rusted EstocRusted Estoc Weapon Item SearchSearch
Name Data Weapon r3+ Tech Note
Thief Lv. 5
Bounty Lv. 5
Bandit Lv. 4
Naples Soldier Lv. 2
Naples Bandit Lv. 4
Rossy Gang Lv. 6