Bay of Biscay South Coast

Bay of Biscay South Coast
Location Type Landing Point
Region Western Europe
Subregion Bay Of Biscay
Coordinate 15950,2940
Connected to -
Items Type From Details
LifesaversLifesavers Consumables Pet
TonicTonic Consumables Pet
Carpentry ToolsCarpentry Tools Consumables Pet
Special Sail Paint 5Special Sail Paint 5 Consumables Pet
EggsEggs Goods CollectionCollection
MushroomsMushrooms Goods CollectionCollection
BerriesBerries Goods CollectionCollection
Red FlowersRed Flowers Goods CollectionCollection
RocksRocks Goods CollectionCollection
RyeRye Goods CollectionCollection
LilacLilac Goods CollectionCollection
Common GrassCommon Grass Goods CollectionCollection
Resurrection AlbResurrection Alb Body Equipment SearchSearch
Dull LongswordDull Longsword Weapon Item SearchSearch
Rusted EstocRusted Estoc Weapon Item SearchSearch
Snaplock RifleSnaplock Rifle Weapon Item SearchSearch
Iron-wire Hunting NetIron-wire Hunting Net Accessory SearchSearch
Simple TelescopeSimple Telescope Weapon Item SearchSearch
LuteLute Weapon Item SearchSearch
Fishing GearFishing Gear Accessory SearchSearch
Name Data Weapon r3+ Tech Note
Bandit Lv. 4
Iberia Bandit Lv. 4
Pyrenee Bandit Lv. 4
Navar Thief Lv. 6