AniGame Raid Guide for Beginners
If you can not deal damage amount at least 10% of total raid boss hp, you will NOT get the SR or UR card drop chance. Please do not leech.
Player positioned as #1 in .rd party
is the raid leader.
Raid leader has privileges to do the following:
.rd start
- to start the raid
.rd kick partymemberposition
- to kick out party member at specified position
.rd public
- to set the raid to be public, listed in lobbies
.rd private
- to set the raid to be private, not listed in lobbies
.rd party
to ensure everyone is strong enough to clear the raid. If there is anyone you think will be leeching, you can .rd kick
that player.
Any kicked player can still rejoin, but you can still kick him out again.
.rd start
by means of private message or tag in Official AniGame Discord server if the player is in there.
Once the raid has been started, each party member will get notification from AniGame about it and players can start battling it.
Each player will have 25 energy to battle the raid. Each battle will cost 5 energy and goes for 20 rounds.
2 energy points will be generated every 2 minutes if the current energy is below 25.
.rd battle
or .rd bt
- to battle the raid once, costs 5 energy
Players can also battle more than once instead of one by one to save time
.rd bt battleamount
- to consume specified battle amount x 5 energy to battle the raid
.rd bt 2
- to consume 2 x 5 energy to battle the raid twice
.rd bt all
- to consume all current energy to battle the raid
.rd bt
first to check the damage dealt per 5 energy before doing multiple battles. If not enough damage is dealt, change your team setup. You might notice some high-level players doing this at the beginning of the raid.
The Battle System
The raid boss has 2 set of HP, the first set will be its HP stat x 10, and the second one will be its real remaining HP.
Once you have cleared the first set of HP, the raid boss will be enraged, gaining 25% Atk, 5% Def, and Crit Rate each round until round 20.
The maximum damage you can deal is 2 x damage to first HP set
Your damage per battle = Damage to first HP set + (X% of Damage to second HP set, where 'X' is currently unknown)

When playing as team online, AFK players happen.
To kick AFK players out, active players must vote for a certain amount of time since the AFKer last move to kick
.rd vkick partymemberposition
- to vote kick player at specified position
Any team member leaving the raid either by means of .rd leave
or being voted out reduces the raid boss HP by 15% of existing HP. It also increases the SR or UR drop chance for the remaining raid members.
The AFK time required to vote kick varies depending on the raid difficulty
Difficulty list and time required to vote kick:
- easy / e - 25m to vkick
- medium / m - 35m to vkick
- hard / h - 45m to vkick
- impossible / i - 55m to vkick
The vote required to kick depends on the amount of current party members
- 2 member - 1 vote
- 3-4 members - 2 votes
- 5-6 members - 3 votes
Any kicked player loses 1 additional raid pass and gets notification from AniGame bot, but no mention about who voted.
either by private message or tag in Official AniGame Discord server
In rare cases, the number of AFK players are too many you are the only one active.
If that is the case, you can surrender the raid after a period of time has passed and get one raid pass back
.rd surrender
- to surrender the raid
Any AFK players after surrender loses 1 additional raid pass and gets notification from AniGame bot about the surrender.
If a team player is too weak, you can try contacting the player asking him to .rd leave
. Please do so politely.
Any team member leaving the raid either by means of .rd leave
or being voted out reduces the raid boss HP by 15% of existing HP. It also increases the SR or UR drop chance for the remaining raid members.
However, the weak player has an option to stay, and nothing you can do about that. It is also not reportable.
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