Latest update: 05 September 2024

AniGame Overload ATK Rank


Overload deals more damage at the beginning of battle. Therefore, ATK stat matters a lot due to its nature.

This talent is good to clear weak raids fast, and might be used for pvp.

For details about the rank of this talent, click the button below:


Firstly, as you might expect, each card has its own usefulness. It is situational depending on factors other than stat such as element and the stats of clan.

Therefore, assuming we are against an enemy with Neutral element, here is the rank:


Card Rank Element HP ATK DEF SPD Total
Android 18 S Groundground 74 92 75 81 322
Escanor S+ Firefire 79 100 80 64 323
Gajeel Redfox A Groundground 80 89 80 75 324
Genos S Firefire 83 90 76 72 321
Hibana S Firefire 76 90 83 77 326
Hideyoshi Nagachika S Electricelectric 83 92 67 84 326
Kotori Itsuka S Firefire 94 94 64 69 321
Lambo A Electricelectric 74 87 77 85 323
Liz T Blood A Darkdark 78 87 68 92 325
Mariko Kurama A Firefire 83 81 70 95 329
Misaka Mikoto S Electricelectric 75 92 71 87 325
Origami Tobiichi B Waterwater 94 76 79 73 322
Ritsu Kageyama S Waterwater 78 93 85 70 326
Rock Lee A Grassgrass 76 87 80 76 319
Sayori B Lightlight 80 72 92 81 325
Soul Evans A Lightlight 65 85 85 91 326
Tsubaki Kasugano A Darkdark 67 88 77 89 321
Ulquiorra Schiffer S Darkdark 82 92 79 65 318
Shea Haulia A Neutralneutral 64 90 63 93 310
Biscuit Oliva S Lightlight 82 90 73 76 321
Adam Smasher Darkdark 98 98 70 70 336
Rayne Ames Lightlight 84 97 77 78 336
Go Gunhee Groundground 89 92 88 71 340


S+ rank

Escanor 100 ATK stat is so famous, players often mention and recommend this card to clear floor 1-46.


S rank

These cards are good alternatives to Escanor since the ATK stat is quite high (90s).

It might also be good for low level raids especially when the element is stronger


A rank

These cards have the ATK stat at the 80s.

Decent cards, but not recommended

You can use Rock Lee to clear some floors at .loc 47+.

You might notice Shea Haulia in this rank despite having 90 ATK. This is because of the neutral element and low HP and DEF stats.


B rank

These cards have the ATK stat at the 70s.

Low ATK stat. Not recommended