Mouse Database
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A golem made out of pure Nachore! Their magmatic stomach bile melts the Nachore down into a more refined, molten liquid that circulates throughout their body. They excrete the byproduct of the digested Nachore through their pores which forms their Nachore-like exterior.
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The unchallenged lord of the Nachore underworld that exists deep below Cantera Quarry, Nachous is powerful and pulsing with molten blood, able to mould his body into whatever form is necessary. He is fabled to possess the legendary Ember Stone, giving him great power and control over heat and the earth itself.
Never seen or heard but his name is whispered on the lips of those who dare to dig too deep. Satisfied by only the hottest Nachore closest to the core of Gnawnia, it would take something extremely hot to grab this great one's attention... This mouse is only interested in Flamin' Queso. No other cheese will do! Mousehunt Wiki page
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The Narrator mouse recites long-winded proclamations and announcements that can put a hunter to sleep, which is part of its strategy to swipe cheese from a hunter's trap.
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Hunt in this location: Whisker Woods Rift
Bait: Brie String Cheese ![]() Charm: Gnarled Charm ![]() Note: Naturalist mouse can be attracted and caught only if Gigantic Gnarled Tree faction has rage >= 25 Weaknesses
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Hip and in the now, wearing the latest in all-natural growth wear, he sports the tastiest natural growth potions around! This nature-loving scientist works diligently on his all-natural organic products and concoctions. Guaranteed to bring you one step closer to nature than you thought possible!
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Hunt in this location: Festive Comet > Great Winter Hunt event
Bait: Pecan Pecorino Cheese ![]() ![]() Note: This mouse can only be attracted and caught during the Great_winter_hunt event. Weaknesses
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This naughty mouse is here to consume all the warm fuzzies this holiday season! During the 2017 festivities, this Winter Hunt hating mouse had found his way to the magical core of the Festive Comet itself and had tried infected it with his loathing of the season.
This year, he's rumored to be hoarding Snow Golem parts in a vain effort to slow hunters down in their pursuit of the Iceberg Sculptor Mouse. Mousehunt Wiki page
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Very few mice with ambitions to Necromancy actually have the mental powers to be able to control undead slaves. In fact, one in five don’t survive their first year dabbling with the occult. Imagine the mental strength, then, of these grizzled Necromancers, who have reached an age mere mortals can only guess at. Bedecked in the bones of their fellow mice, they control a fearsome army of the dead that will overwhelm all but the most courageous hunters.
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This shifty, cantankerous deep water dweller is so old that she is often called a "living fossil"... but only a fool would say that to her face! Despite her age, she is a formidable opponent because although she may not be as fast or agile as she used to be, she has a hard stare that can reduce even the bravest hunter into cowering puddle of tears.
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The smallest mouse of the Nerg Tribe serves as their leader. Incapable of normal means of communication, the leader shouts orders by rambling insane gibberish that has proven to be as intimidating as it is confusing.
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In life, the Nerg Elders prided themselves on their speed and agility. Because the Nerg place such a high value on skillful fighting moves, Balack devised the perfect immortal punishment for them-- strapping heavier and heavier weights on their bodies to limit their movement. The once nimble Nerg elders now shamble about, swinging their weights as weapons rather than exercising their fighting skill. They may have lost their one joy in life, but they still have plenty of wrath.
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Note: This mouse can only be attracted and caught during the Great Winter Hunt, Lunar New Year or New Year event.
Note: This mouse can only be attracted and caught during the New_year event. Weaknesses
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This mouse is determined to ring in the New Year with a bang. After attending all of the parties it could find, it has emerged with someone else's oversized shirt, a tie that should be outlawed, and sixty pounds of fireworks which have been outlawed in most cities. The New Year's mouse intends to put on a light show so amazing that it lights up the sky for the rest of the year-- the only problem is that it hasn't really thought about how it's going to get off the ground.
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