Mouse Database
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Cracked and corrupted, the Outbreak Assassin Mouse has obtained the ability to control the state of sludge while he is in contact with it. Abandoning conventional weaponry for his own vorpal blades, this mouse makes a weapon out of his own body and the environment. Like others in the area, they will stop at nothing to preserve their new-found power.
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Hunt in this location: Claw Shot City
Bait: Gouda Cheese ![]() Note: This mouse is one of the 6 Ringleaders and is the boss when a hunter is tackling a Wanted Poster (The Thugs); the poster lists an alias of 'The Kid'. Weaknesses
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Deadly, dangerous, and darn ugly, this rough 'n' tough Outlaw Mouse has seen his fair share of fortune and failure. His motto is "Steal from everyone, and give it to me!" and he runs with an equally down and dirty crew known as the 'Thugs' gang.
Hunters be wary around this mouse. He isn't the type to back down from a fight! Mousehunt Wiki page
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As in most areas where extreme weather is an issue, some mice embrace the snow, and some... prepare for snowpocalypse. The Over-prepared mouse is convinced that soon, the world will be covered in mountains of wintery death, and so it covered itself in layers of warm clothing. Because it is nothing if not thorough, it has also got an enviable arsenal of trap-busting tools stashed away in that suit, when it can find them among all the layers.
Mousehunt Wiki page
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This sinister creature releases a concentration of shadow magic into the atmosphere which adheres to the surrounding water vapour and causes it to condense into impenetrable black clouds. These clouds can then be used as cover, transportation, or as a reservoir for storing shadow energy.
These mice are believed to be responsible for the notorious trojan thundercloud tactic of bygone lore. Mousehunt Wiki page
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The Oxygen Baron Mouse exemplifies the characteristics of any successful crime lord: Greed, lust for power, and insatiable gluttony! This corrupt mayor of the Sunken City is obsessed with stockpiling their most valuable resource. Constantly abusing his power by controlling the city's Oxygen supply, he unscrupulously allocates unlimited quantities for his own personal use, leaving those in need of the resource in dire straits.
He who controls the Oxygen controls the city! Mousehunt Wiki page