Mouse Database
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This mouse is quite the catch if you can find her. Word is, she used to serve fish at the local sand bar until she sashayed her way into a large cache of Sand Dollars during a fashion contest. With her winnings she has taken up a new life of sharing her impressive style sense, teaching others that you’ve got to work for your dreams and the important truth that if you can’t love yourself how are you going to love anybody else?
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These tiny mice roam the dunes in ones and twos, mute except for the songs they sing to each other. No-one really knows what their goal or destination is, or why they feel compelled to roam. Perhaps they're seeking something, or perhaps they're running from something. Or perhaps it's just for the love of the journey.
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This profitable prospector has turned Ingenuity Grub gathering into an exact science. The Sand Sifter has mapped out all the best digging spots along the Prologue Pond shoreline and has made a name for itself around the pond as a skilled, determined, and borderline obsessive gatherer.
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Note: This mouse can only be attracted and caught during the Halloween event.
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When you close your eyes at night, you open your mind...
Enter Sandmouse. The Sandmouse wants to know if you're getting enough sleep these days. If not, he can probably help with that... Those who have encountered him report having peculiar dreams in which they see a strange moon hanging over Gnawnia, much too close for comfort. Digby Scientists have confirmed that the moon is still at the same distance as it has ever been, so it's probably safe to assume the Sandmouse is conjuring these images. It should be nothing to worry about! Right...? Sleep with one eye open and grip your pillowcase tight when you go trick-or-treating for this mouse! Mousehunt Wiki page
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Having tamed both the beasts of the ground and the sky, this cavalry mouse brings terror to all who stand against it. Its only loyalties are to its Warmonger.
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Hunt in this location: Labyrinth
Bait: Glowing Gruyere Cheese ![]() ![]() Note: The Sanguinarian Mouse can be found in Plain, Superior, and Epic Scholar Hallways in Labyrinth. The Sanguinarian Mouse can be found in the Neophyte Scholar Study (15+ Scholar clues), the Master Scholar Auditorium (50+ Scholar clues), and the Dark Library (80+ Scholar clues) in Zokor. Weaknesses
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Powerful students that study the darker arts revolving around mental sacrifice. Sanguinarians derive power from fresh knowledge, provided willingly from apprentice students. Not much is required, only a few memories or so, but the results are quite astounding!
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Hunt in this location: Sand Dunes
Bait: Graveblossom Camembert ![]() Note: This mouse can be attracted and caught only in Sand Crypts. Weaknesses
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There are two kinds of Sarcophamouses you'll run across during your travels: The kind that were entombed in ancient times and now roam the desert crypts mindlessly, and the kind that were wrapped up in toilet paper and tossed in a cheap plastic sarcophagus as a mean-spirited prank.
Both kinds are equally angry and equally dangerous, so watch out! Mousehunt Wiki page
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This flashy, talented, but impudent dancer has a consistent and contemptuous habit of completely taking over the dance floor. Despite his elegant and impressive moves, he is forced to dance solo since all the other dancers can't stand his abrasive personality and blindingly bright attire.
Mousehunt Wiki page
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Hunt in this location: Sand Dunes
Bait: Graveblossom Camembert ![]() Note: This mouse can be attracted and caught only in Sand Crypts. Weaknesses
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The glittering blue, gold, and red carapace of the Scarab Mouse is a natural beauty nearly unmatched in the world. Growing such incredible protection requires incredible amounts of energy, which is why Grubling Mice - who are the Scarab Mouse's previous form - require so much food so quickly.
Scarab Mice are fast, strong, and brilliant. Only their small size prevents them from being a serious problem. A really large Scarab Mouse would be very dangerous indeed! Mousehunt Wiki page
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While the Scarecrow Mouse's seasonal transformation may not summon lightning or turn its foes to ice, it presents just as much of a threat to the unprepared Hunter. The Scarecrow's most valuable talent is its ability to be squashed and torn without losing much of its original vitality, meaning that very few traps have much effect on it. The best way to get rid of a Scarecrow is to scatter its stuffing-- once its straw is all gone, it will be too floppy to carry on.
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