Mouse Database
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These cousins of the mighty Dragon Mouse eschew the heat of Dracano for dark, damp places where they make intricate plans to steal shiny things from their fellow beings. Once they have the loot, the Brimstone Mice use their fiery breath to forge the stolen gold into parts for a giant golem such as the world has never seen! Don’t worry about them storming Gnawnia soon, though-- they need an awful lot of gold, and not many travelers visit the Cove to help them out.
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This clumsy student of the Arcane Arts may have high aspirations but it has a lot more to worry about than just a falling grade point average.
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These two hardworking brothers have dedicated their lives to collecting, cataloguing, and interpreting much of what the mice of today know as the staples of murine folklore. Their most famous works include: "Little Red Riding Mouse", "The Rat Prince", "Mouserella", and "Rodentstiltskin". They have received some criticism over the years for the dark and often macabre tone in many of their of stories but that was precisely why the Mythweaver sought to employ their services.
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Brown mice are the most challenging common mice, but are still suitable for a starting mouse hunter.
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The Bruticle Mouse tackles all of its opponents head-on, using its extreme strength to overpower them before delivering a blast of ice that traps them in place. If the ability to throw ice isn't enough to gain the Bruticle their prize, they have a ready back-up weapon in the blanket of spikes on their back. These spikes, like a porcupine's quills, can be ripped out and used as spears, or, in emergencies, used as a spike shield between mouse and Hunter.
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A brutish mouse whose physical prowess protects him from the lures of most every cheese, save for one: Flamin' Queso Cheese. Constant training and combat has left his wings tattered and frayed, however, his extreme upper body strength more than makes up for the loss of aerodynamics.
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Quick to draw their sword at the first sight of cheese, the Buccaneer mouse has a reputation for looting bait from even the quickest of traps! Fear their presence most when they are amongst their Pirate shipmates, for their steel is strengthened in greater numbers.
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Note: This mouse can only be attracted and caught during the Mousehunt Birthday event.
Note: This mouse can only be attracted and caught during the Birthday event. Weaknesses
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Mice are always running out of ice at birthday parties because they all want a taste of the cheese punch. They draw straws to see who's responsible for the ice and if they run out, the common practice is to put the empty bucket over the head of the mouse that dropped the ball. Buckethead Mouse pulled the short stick one too many times and rather than wasting time trying to count heads, it's now content to just leave the bucket in place, which also does the wonderful job of blocking angry mice glares.
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This beautiful but prickly creature is the leader of the clan Thornborn and is a direct descendant of the legendary Thornborns of antiquity who are said to have grown from the first buds of the Bountiful Beanstalk.
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Hunt in this location: Festive Comet > Great Winter Hunt event
Bait: Pecan Pecorino Cheese ![]() ![]() Note: This mouse can only be attracted and caught during the Great_winter_hunt event. Weaknesses
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The head builder in charge of building any and all snow forts during the Great Winter Hunt. With a solid ice sledge hammer, some icy blueprints with a penchant for building things, this looks to be the best qualified mouse for the job!
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