Mouse Database
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Is that mouse talking to a coconut? As far as the Shipwrecked mouse is concerned, that's its best friend! Solitude and misfortune have long ruined the social skills of these mice. Timid, weak from hunger, and paranoid, this mouse is more threatening than it looks. Starving for fresh cheese, this mildly insane mouse will ambush a trap on sight, which makes it unpredictable and dangerous.
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Said to be here to make an honest living, one must wonder about the shopkeeper mice. Their prices are atrocious and it doesn't look like they have updated their inventory in ages. Considering they have so many brooms for sale, you think they might sweep up around their shops every once in a while. We don't know, maybe they're up to something… That or maybe everybody just has enough tin cups and brooms to hold them over.
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Note: This mouse can only be attracted and caught during the Halloween event.
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In the old Haunted Territories, this mouse would zoom through the Corn Maze, zip through the Haunted Manor and fly through the Pumpkin Patch. He spent so much time around the Terrortories that he knew all the little secret paths, trap doors and alternate routes that allowed him to rush through it all in record time!
But everything changed when the Sandmouse attacked. Everything's new and scary now at the Spooky Sandcastle and this mouse is still learning the way! Catching this mouse will earn you some Flashlight Batteries so that you can light your way to more Halloween Treats! Mousehunt Wiki page
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This old, retired, grumpy gus of an engineer has put his yearly plans to travel to warmer climes for the winter on hold. He's usually on a westerly wagon to the Sandtail Desert by now, but the Festive Comet unfortunately landed right on top of his wagon before he boarded. Now, he's a bit stranded and, as you can imagine, a bit cold!
This mouse has meticulously planned his retirement around being just the right amount of warm all year; never too hot, and never, ever too cold. So much thought has gone into this lifestyle decision that he has changed his whole wardrobe to revolve around only wearing his favourite summer apparel: Shorts! Stubborn as ever, he has put his engineering know-how (and most of his retirement savings) towards developing quite the sophisticated network of portable heaters to heat things up a bit! Nothing will get in this mouse's way when it comes to enjoying his retirement! He is not letting a little snow ruin his plans for having his fun in the sun this winter, but the sudden rapid heating near the Festive Comet is threatening to thaw the Winter Hunt cheer too early this year and he must be stopped! Mousehunt Wiki page
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Taking the concept of "found armour" to a whole new level, the Shroom Mouse has developed protective gear that is both effective and fashionable! Crafted from a special strain of the the deep blue Lactarius Indigo and hardened through a unique process, this armour is surprisingly light and strong, giving this mouse a real advantage in the harsh wilds of the Living Garden.
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This elusive mouse makes his home in the damp subterranean rivers of the underpass, hiding in rocky crags. Its bat-like squeak and the splash of its feet can often be heard in caverns, but when hunters approach, it dives into the water and swims away faster than a Burroughs trout. Because it has spent so much time in seclusion, these guardians of the underpass have unusual taste--anyone aiming to catch it should note that only the gnarliest cheese will tempt it out of hiding.
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Using its nearly impervious tail, the Silvertail mouse can solve problems that leave other mice scratching their heads. When confronting a trap, it simply wraps its namesake around the cheese, and ignores the sparks and bent mechanisms that follow. Extreme heat is one of its tail's few weaknesses, but hunters avoid melting the silver this way. Because of the tail's value as a lucky charm, an intact Silver Tail is worth a hefty reward from local merchants.
Mousehunt Wiki page
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Note: This mouse can only be attracted and found during Spring Egg Hunt event.
Note: This mouse can only be attracted and caught during the Spring_egg_hunt event. Weaknesses
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Some mice use their talents for good, others use their talents to mock people. Guess which category this mouse falls under?
Their sloppy, roughshod work often leaves them with extra paint, which canny hunters can use in their own egg-painting activities. Mousehunt Wiki page
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This crafty, conniving creature has many malevolent tricks up his sleeve. He lurks in the deep end of the Prologue Pond where the water is as dark and murky as his intentions. Hunters are not recommended to make any deals with him lest they find out the hard way that with a Sinister Squid there is always a catch!
Mousehunt Wiki page
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Hunt in this location: Zokor
Bait: Glowing Gruyere Cheese ![]() ![]() Note: The Sir Fleekio Mouse can be found in the Inner Fealty Temple (50+ Fealty clues) and the Templar's Sanctum (80+ Fealty clues). Weaknesses
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Swooned over by maiden mice everywhere, this is the most decorated, undefeated defender and combatant of the Fealty District. Donned in custom silver armour, which looks great but has minimal effectiveness, perfect for a fighter that doesn't get hit! The matching silver faceplate protects his perfectly symmetrical features from damage, mostly from wild debris kicked up from his furious swings.
Mousehunt Wiki page