or .inv
to see your cards (default is sorted by id)
You can filter the cards by adding several attributes:
-n cardname
to show specific card name
.inv -n kirito - Displays all your Kirito cards
.inv -n dragneel,happy,gray fullbuster - Displays all your Natsu Dragneel , Happy and Gray Fullbuster cards
-r rarity
to show cards with specific rarity
.inv -r sr,ur - Displays all your cards with Super Rare and Ultra Rare rarities
-ele elementname
to show cards with specific element
There are 8 elements: fire, grass, ground, electric, water, dark, light, neutral
.inv -ele grass - Displays all your cards with grass elements
-t talentname
to show cards with specific talents
.inv -t blood surge - Displays all your cards with Blood Surge talents
-evo evolution number
to show cards with specific evolution number
.inv -evo 3 - Displays all your Evolution-3 cards
-series seriesname
to show cards with specific series name
.inv -series geass - Displays all your Code Geass cards
to show specific page of cards result
.inv 3 - Displays page 3 of your cards
-sort order
to show the results in specific order
.inv -sort rarity - Displays your cards sorted by rarity
Note that the following are BANNABLE offenses: Alting (more than 1 account); Macroing (auto typers); Abusing Bugs; and trading for IRL currency / other bot currencies. Please abide by the rules!