Latest update: 05 September 2024

Series DDLC
Location Event, Lottery, Raid
Element Waterwater
Talent: Life Sap [Passive]
Every round, deal 2% of the enemy familiars' max HP as damage, and heal for 175% of the damage dealt
Well everyone has their own opinion. But my opinion is the best opinion. I'm sure you've figured that out already.
Noelle Silva
Series Black Clover
Location Area: 3
Floors: 5, 13, 21
Element Waterwater
How to defeat Noelle Silva floor »
Team recommendation to defeat Noelle Silva raid »
Talent: Amplifier DEF
Increase the DEF of all allied familiars by 13% for each allied familiar of the same type as the wielder. (This effect is doubled if your team only consists of 1 familiar)
No no no! I don't feel anything for that idiot.
Series Darker Than Black
Location Area: 8
Floors: 4, 10, 16
Element Waterwater
How to defeat November floor »
Talent: Freeze
Inflict a stack of Frozen to enemy familiars, crippling their movement speed as well as permanently decreasing their ATK by 10%. Additionally, if the target is already Frozen, deal 4% of their max HP x number of rounds passed since they were Frozen as True damage
The second hand-smoker also inhales eleven times the volume of smoke itself. 18,000 nanograms in all
Okita Sougo
Series Gintama
Location Area: 52
Floors: 5, 13, 21
Element Waterwater
How to defeat Okita Sougo floor »
Talent: Double-edged Strike ATK water
Deal Waterwater damage equal to 15% of your ATK, and take 1/4 of the damage dealt to yourself
Sometimes, it’s necessary to look back at the past in order to move on to the future.
Origami Tobiichi
Series Date A Live
Location Area: 35
Floors: 5, 13, 21
Element Waterwater
How to defeat Origami Tobiichi floor »
Talent: Overload ATK [Passive] Rank B
When the battle starts, increase the ATK by 55% of all allied familiars. Your ATK decreases by 8% every turn after that
It was a Spirit's fault, that five years ago... my parents died.