Buff your allies with a stack of Temporal Rewind (this does not stack, and refreshes the ability instead). After 3 turns, restore your HP to half the difference between your original HP and your current HP, and deal the same amount to your opponent
I am Historia Reiss, the true ruler of these Walls.
When the battle starts, decrease the SPD of all allied familiars by 15%, and simultaneously increasing their base HP and DEF by 30%
There were two kinds of strength. One was the strength that came with having something to protect. The other was the strength of having nothing to lose.
Inflict a stack of Frozen to enemy familiars, crippling their movement speed as well as permanently decreasing their ATK by 10%. Additionally, if the target is already Frozen, deal 4% of their max HP x number of rounds passed since they were Frozen as True damage
What are you talking about, Ryu?! That’s no damsel, that’s a dude! [Agito-Lind]
Buff your allies with a stack of Temporal Rewind (this does not stack, and refreshes the ability instead). After 3 turns, restore your HP to half the difference between your original HP and your current HP, and deal the same amount to your opponent
Gin, don't forget about me. Don't forget. [Haruyama Kazunori]