Increase the DEF of all allied familiars by 13% for each allied familiar of the same type as the wielder. (This effect is doubled if your team only consists of 1 familiar)
Once per battle, when your HP goes to 0, your allies gain the buff Undying Will, making them immune to death until this talent activates again. When this talent activates, revive yourself with 10% HP, and increase your damage dealt by 20%
If anyone cuts your long life short, it will be the demon king himself, or it will be a human mage.
At the beginning of the battle, at the start of your turn, gain a Yang buff, temporarily increasing your DEF by 75% and healing all allies by 4% of their max HP. This effect swaps to a Yin buff every other turn, temporarily increasing your ATK by 75% and permanently increasing your ATK and SPD by 5%. If a Yang buff is already in effect, a Yin buff will be applied instead, and vice versa
Pistols aren't for threats. They're for actions! Are you willing to risk your life?
At the beginning of the battle, at the start of your turn, gain a Yang buff, temporarily increasing your DEF by 75% and healing all allies by 4% of their max HP. This effect swaps to a Yin buff every other turn, temporarily increasing your ATK by 75% and permanently increasing your ATK and SPD by 5%. If a Yang buff is already in effect, a Yin buff will be applied instead, and vice versa
Pistols aren't for threats. They're for actions! Are you willing to risk your life?