Latest update: CNY Valentines 2024 event

Series CNY Valentines 2024
Location Area:
Element Lightlight
Talent: Paralysis
Gain a 40% chance to inflict a stack of Stun to enemy familiars, disabling their next turn, as well as permanently decreasing their DEF by 10%
Cupid, a timeless figure etched into the hearts of those who celebrate the magic and mystery of love, serves as the quintessential symbol of Valentine's Day. Born from ancient lore, this celestial being transcends the boundaries of time and space to kindle the flames of affection and companionship. With a quiver full of enchanted arrows, Cupid flutters unseen, weaving a tapestry of relationships that bind the world in a shared embrace of love.
Series CNY Valentines 2024
Location Area:
Element Firefire
Talent: Divine Blessing [Passive]
Start off the battle with a stack of Divine Blessing, increasing your ATK/DEF by 45% for 5 turns
Long is a mystical being born from the vibrant energies of the Chinese New Year, a symbol of prosperity, renewal, and hope. Emerging on the eve of the New Year, Long embodies the essence of the celebration, carrying the blessings of ancient traditions and the promise of a fresh start. As the embodiment of the dragon, a creature of great significance in Chinese culture, Long is both revered and cherished, a guardian of good fortune and a harbinger of the new.
Series CNY Valentines 2024
Location Area:
Element Darkdark
Talent: Miracle Injection [Passive]
Start off the battle by decreasing your HP and max HP by 10%. Increase your SPD/ATK/DEF by the amount decreased x2
Nian emerges from the tapestry of ancient legends, a formidable creature whose story is woven into the very fabric of the Chinese New Year. Legend has it that Nian was a fearsome beast, with a voracious appetite for crops, livestock, and even villagers. Once a symbol of fear, lurking in the mountains and descending upon villages with the turn of the lunar year, Nian has transformed into a beacon of resilience, teaching generations the power of unity and the strength found in community.