Latest update: 05 September 2024

Akitaru Obi
Series Fire Force
Location Area: 55
Floors: 1, 11, 21
Element Groundground
How to defeat Akitaru Obi floor »
Team recommendation to defeat Akitaru Obi raid »
Talent: Endurance
Buff your allies with Endurance, taking 65% less damage from normal attacks for 3 turns
Fire soldiers do not leave their comrades behind and run away. [maioceaneyes]
Arthur Boyle
Series Fire Force
Location Area: 55
Floors: 2, 12, 22
Element Firefire
How to defeat Arthur Boyle floor »
Team recommendation to defeat Arthur Boyle raid »
Talent: Breaker ATK Rank A
Decrease the ATK of all enemy familiars by 20%
Everyone is equal before the round table. Don't sweat it. [bey_bev]
Benimaru Shinmon
Series Fire Force
Location Area: 55
Floors: 3, 13, 23
Element Firefire
How to defeat Benimaru Shinmon floor »
Team recommendation to defeat Benimaru Shinmon raid »
Talent: Mana Reaver
Absorb up to 20% Mana from enemy familiars, and deal True damage equal to the Mana absorbed x10 (damage is further multiplied by number of enemy familiars)
Ow. You're a hard one, all right.
Series Fire Force
Location Area: 55
Floors: 4, 14, 24
Element Firefire
How to defeat Hibana floor »
Talent: Overload ATK [Passive] Rank S
When the battle starts, increase the ATK by 55% of all allied familiars. Your ATK decreases by 8% every turn after that
In this world, you either burn or get burned. Go ahead and pray to the God of salvation you favour so much.
Series Fire Force
Location Area: 55
Floors: 5, 15, 25
Element Neutralneutral
How to defeat Iris floor »
Team recommendation to defeat Iris raid »
Talent: Life Sap [Passive]
Every round, deal 2% of the enemy familiars' max HP as damage, and heal for 175% of the damage dealt
If you pray with all your heart, you can find comfort, and people have been saved by it.
Maki Oze
Series Fire Force
Location Area: 55
Floors: 6, 16, 26
Element Firefire
How to defeat Maki Oze floor »
Team recommendation to defeat Maki Oze raid »
Talent: Protector [Passive]
When your health drops below 25%, restore the HP of all allied familiars by 20% and raise their DEF by 35%
As a sister, and a lovable Iris, violence does not become you.
Mera Mera
Series Fire Force
Location Area: 55
Floors: 7, 17, 27
Element Firefire
How to defeat Mera Mera floor »
Team recommendation to defeat Mera Mera raid »
Talent: Blaze Rank A
Inflict a stack of Burn to enemy familiars, dealing 10% True damage per turn, as well as reducing all healing effects on them by 75%
Shinra Kusakabe
Series Fire Force
Location Area: 55
Floors: 8, 18, 28
Element Firefire
How to defeat Shinra Kusakabe floor »
Team recommendation to defeat Shinra Kusakabe raid »
Talent: Elemental Strike ATK fire
Deal Firefire damage based on 10% of your ATK
I smile whenever I feel tense.
Takehisa Hinawa
Series Fire Force
Location Area: 55
Floors: 9, 19, 29
Element Firefire
How to defeat Takehisa Hinawa floor »
Talent: Trick Room DEF Rank S+
If the enemy familiars' DEF is higher than yours, your allies gain DEF equal to 60% of the difference between the two DEF's, and simultaneously reduce their DEF by the same amount
Fire soldiers do not play with fire.
Tamaki Kotatsu
Series Fire Force
Location Area: 55
Floors: 10, 20, 30
Element Firefire
How to defeat Tamaki Kotatsu floor »
Talent: Transformation ATK [Passive]
When the battle starts, decrease the SPD of all allied familiars by 15%, and simultaneously increasing their base HP and ATK by 30%
Huh? What are you looking at? [hybridmink]