Latest update: CNY Valentines 2024 event

Azusa Nakano
Series K-On!
Location Area: 21
Floors: 1, 6, 11
Element Lightlight
How to defeat Azusa Nakano floor »
Team recommendation to defeat Azusa Nakano raid »
Talent: Rejuvenation
Restore the HP of all allied familiars by 12%, as well as increasing healing effects on allied familiars by 10%, up to a maximum of 50% heal increase
Yui-senpai, you can't start crying like a baby. [機助]
Mio Akiyama
Series K-On!
Location Area: 21
Floors: 2, 7, 12
Element Neutralneutral
How to defeat Mio Akiyama floor »
Talent: Amplifier ATK
Increase the ATK of all allied familiars by 13% for each allied familiar of the same type as the wielder. (This effect is doubled if your team only consists of 1 familiar)
You're crying too, you big hypocrite!
Ritsu Tainaka
Series K-On!
Location Area: 21
Floors: 3, 8, 13
Element Neutralneutral
How to defeat Ritsu Tainaka floor »
Talent: Dexterity Drive neutral
Deal Firefire damage equal to 5% of your SPD, and deal additional damage according to the difference between your SPD and enemy's SPD
Thou art not good! Thou shalt not become a great actress at this rate !
Tsumugi Kotobuki
Series K-On!
Location Area: 21
Floors: 4, 9, 14
Element Lightlight
How to defeat Tsumugi Kotobuki floor »
Team recommendation to defeat Tsumugi Kotobuki raid »
Talent: Regeneration
Buffs ally familiars with a stack of Regeneration, healing them for 7.5% HP per stack every turn. 1 stack is lost every 4 rounds
You and're hitting on each other and bonding through bodily contact right?
Yui Hirasawa
Series K-On!
Location Area: 21
Floors: 5, 10, 15
Element Lightlight
How to defeat Yui Hirasawa floor »
Talent: Paralysis
Gain a 40% chance to inflict a stack of Stun to enemy familiars, disabling their next turn, as well as permanently decreasing their DEF by 10%
I have one last request. Please slap me in the face with that wad of cash.