Latest update: CNY Valentines 2024 event

Erwin Smith

Erwin Smith
Series Attack On Titan
Location Area: 9
Floors: 5, 13, 21
Element Groundground
How to defeat Erwin Smith floor
For the start, from .loc 1 to around 20, having an Evo 3 is not necessary until later on

Credits: AniGame Floor Guide
Talent: Offensive Stance
Increase the ATK of all allied familiars by 40%, and simultaneously decrease their DEF by 10%
Talent SR: Offensive Stance
Increase the ATK of all allied familiars by 72%, and simultaneously decrease their DEF by 18%
Talent UR: Offensive Stance
Increase the ATK of all allied familiars by 80%, and simultaneously decrease their DEF by 20%
Card(s) with the same element and talent

Kenji Miyazawa

Gyro Zeppeli

Base Stats
HP: 86
ATK: 87
DEF: 73
SPD: 77
TOTAL: 323

Maxed SR
HP: 251
ATK: 254
DEF: 213
SPD: 225
TOTAL: 943

Maxed UR
HP: 290
ATK: 294
DEF: 246
SPD: 260
TOTAL: 1090

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