Latest update: CNY Valentines 2024 event

Flashy Flash

Flashy Flash
Series One Punch Man
Location Area: 36
Floors: 3,12,21
Element Lightlight
How to defeat Flashy Flash floor
Most floors below .loc 47 can be defeated using any cards with Overload talent,
with SR Escanor Evo 3 as the most popular choice

Credits: AniGame Floor Guide
Talent: Dexterity Drive dark
Deal Darkdark damage equal to 5% of your SPD, and deal additional damage according to the difference between your SPD and enemy's SPD
Talent SR: Dexterity Drive dark
Deal Darkdark damage equal to 9% of your SPD, and deal additional damage according to the difference between your SPD and enemy's SPD
Talent UR: Dexterity Drive dark
Deal Darkdark damage equal to 10% of your SPD, and deal additional damage according to the difference between your SPD and enemy's SPD
Base Stats
HP: 84
ATK: 70
DEF: 77
SPD: 100
TOTAL: 331

Maxed SR
HP: 245
ATK: 204
DEF: 225
SPD: 292
TOTAL: 966

Maxed UR
HP: 283
ATK: 236
DEF: 260
SPD: 338
TOTAL: 1117

I've never boasted about my speed, that's what sidekicks do. | PSLShana567