URRegeneration - non-Light or [Dark and Clan Stat is 6]
Credits: AniGame Floor Guide
Special thanks to [CGBS] Aceonight#8584, KhalDrogo#7233, KaoSxEclipse#0111, kenma#2512, Tsukasa#1601, AceOfSpades#0550 who have helped out with this Floor Guide
Once your health drops below 20%, revert the stats and HP of all allied and enemy familiars back to their base stats. Your allied familiars also increase their DEF/SPD by 12% after the reversion
Once your health drops below 36%, revert the stats and HP of all allied and enemy familiars back to their base stats. Your allied familiars also increase their DEF/SPD by 21% after the reversion
Once your health drops below 40%, revert the stats and HP of all allied and enemy familiars back to their base stats. Your allied familiars also increase their DEF/SPD by 24% after the reversion