Latest update: CNY Valentines 2024 event


Series Naruto
Location Area: 16
Floors: 4, 18, 32
Element Groundground
How to defeat Jiraiya floor
For the start, from .loc 1 to around 20, having an Evo 3 is not necessary until later on

Credits: AniGame Floor Guide
Team recommendation to defeat Jiraiya raid »
Talent: Underdog DEF [Passive]
While your HP % is lower than the enemy's HP %, increase the DEF of all allies by 15%
Talent SR: Underdog DEF [Passive]
While your HP% is lower than the enemy's HP %, increase the DEF of all allies by 27%
Talent UR: Underdog DEF [Passive]
While your HP% is lower than the enemy's HP %, increase the DEF of all allies by 30%
Base Stats
HP: 91
ATK: 83
DEF: 85
SPD: 65
TOTAL: 324

Maxed SR
HP: 266
ATK: 242
DEF: 248
SPD: 190
TOTAL: 946

Maxed UR
HP: 307
ATK: 280
DEF: 287
SPD: 219
TOTAL: 1093

A place where someone still thinks about you is a place you can call home.