For the start, from .loc 1 to around 20, having an Evo 3 is not necessary until later on
Credits: AniGame Floor Guide
Special thanks to [CGBS] Aceonight#8584, KhalDrogo#7233, KaoSxEclipse#0111, kenma#2512, Tsukasa#1601, AceOfSpades#0550 who have helped out with this Floor Guide
Buff your allies with a stack of Temporal Rewind (this does not stack, and refreshes the ability instead). After 3 turns, restore your HP to half the difference between your original HP and your current HP, and deal the same amount to your opponent
Buff your allies with a stack of Temporal Rewind (this does not stack, and refreshes the ability instead). After 3 turns, restore your HP to half the difference between your original HP and your current HP, and deal the same amount to your opponent