Latest update: CNY Valentines 2024 event


Series DDLC
Location Event, Lottery, Raid
Element Lightlight
Talent: Dominance [Passive]
While your HP % is greater than or equal to the enemy's HP %, increase the ATK of allies by 17%
Talent SR: Dominance [Passive]
While your HP% is greater than or equal to the enemy's HP %, increase the ATK of allies by 30%
Talent UR: Dominance [Passive]
While your HP% is greater than or equal to the enemy's HP %, increase the ATK of allies by 34%
Base Stats
HP: 72
ATK: 88
DEF: 75
SPD: 93
TOTAL: 328

Maxed SR
HP: 210
ATK: 257
DEF: 219
SPD: 272
TOTAL: 958

Maxed UR
HP: 243
ATK: 297
DEF: 253
SPD: 314
TOTAL: 1107

Well, to be honest, I do start getting all romantic when the mood is right.. but that'll be our secret~