Latest update: 05 September 2024

Reno Ichikawa

Reno Ichikawa
Series Kaiju No. 8
Location Area: 87
Floors: 9, 19, 29
Element Lightlight
How to defeat Reno Ichikawa floor
Credits: AniGame Floor Guide
Talent: Freeze
Inflict a stack of Frozen to enemy familiars, crippling their movement speed as well as permanently decreasing their ATK by 10%. Additionally, if the target is already Frozen, deal 4% of their max HP x number of rounds passed since they were Frozen as True damage
Talent SR: Freeze
Inflict a stack of Frozen to enemy familiars, crippling their movement speed as well as permanently decreasing their ATK by 18%. Additionally, if the target is already Frozen, deal 4% of their max HP x number of rounds passed since they were Frozen as True damage
Talent UR: Freeze
Inflict a stack of Frozen to enemy familiars, crippling their movement speed as well as permanently decreasing their ATK by 20%. Additionally, if the target is already Frozen, deal 4% of their max HP x number of rounds passed since they were Frozen as True damage
Base Stats
HP: 88
ATK: 84
DEF: 84
SPD: 84
TOTAL: 340

Maxed SR
HP: 257
ATK: 245
DEF: 245
SPD: 245
TOTAL: 992

Maxed UR
HP: 297
ATK: 283
DEF: 283
SPD: 283
TOTAL: 1146

Give me more power than Shinomiya or Captain Ashiro!