Latest update: 05 September 2024


Series 7 Deadly Sins
Location Area: 5
Floors: 7, 16, 25
Element Waterwater
How to defeat Gowther floor
For the start, from .loc 1 to around 20, having an Evo 3 is not necessary until later on

Credits: AniGame Floor Guide
Talent: Trick Room ATK Rank S+
If the enemy familiars' ATK is higher than yours, your allies gain ATK equal to 60% of the difference between the two ATK's, and simultaneously reduce their ATK by the same amount
Talent SR: Trick Room ATK Rank S+
If the enemy familiars' ATK is higher than yours, your allies gain ATK equal to 108% of the difference between the two ATK's, and simultaneously reduce their ATK by the same amount
Talent UR: Trick Room ATK Rank S+
If the enemy familiars' ATK is higher than yours, your allies gain ATK equal to 120% of the difference between the two ATK's, and simultaneously reduce their ATK by the same amount
Base Stats
HP: 89
ATK: 63
DEF: 82
SPD: 83
TOTAL: 317

Maxed SR
HP: 260
ATK: 184
DEF: 239
SPD: 242
TOTAL: 925

Maxed UR
HP: 300
ATK: 212
DEF: 277
SPD: 280
TOTAL: 1069

What I desire is a heart… A heart that understands emotions.