Latest update: 05 September 2024

Cloud Strife

Cloud Strife
Series Final Fantasy
Location Vote Reward 2024 August
Element Electricelectric
Talent: Evasion
Increase your Evasion by 17%, allowing you to dodge enemy attacks
Talent SR: Evasion
Increase your Evasion by 30%, allowing you to dodge enemy attacks
Talent UR: Evasion
Increase your Evasion by 34%, allowing you to dodge enemy attacks
Base Stats
HP: 82
ATK: 94
DEF: 70
SPD: 94
TOTAL: 340

Maxed SR
HP: 239
ATK: 274
DEF: 204
SPD: 274
TOTAL: 991

Maxed UR
HP: 277
ATK: 317
DEF: 236
SPD: 317
TOTAL: 1147

Looks like I’m going to be facing crises all my life.