Latest update: 05 September 2024


Series Ousama Ranking
Location Area: 86
Floors: 7, 17, 27
Element Lightlight
How to defeat Desha floor
Credits: AniGame Floor Guide
Talent: Yin Yang [Passive]
At the beginning of the battle, at the start of your turn, gain a Yang buff, temporarily increasing your DEF by 75% and healing all allies by 4% of their max HP. This effect swaps to a Yin buff every other turn, temporarily increasing your ATK by 75% and permanently increasing your ATK and SPD by 5%. If a Yang buff is already in effect, a Yin buff will be applied instead, and vice versa
Talent SR: Yin Yang [Passive]
At the beginning of the battle, at the start of your turn, gain a Yang buff, temporarily increasing your DEF by 75% and healing all allies by 7% of their max HP. This effect swaps to a Yin buff every other turn, temporarily increasing your ATK by 75% and permanently increasing your ATK and SPD by 9%. If a Yang buff is already in effect, a Yin buff will be applied instead, and vice versa
Talent UR: Yin Yang [Passive]
At the beginning of the battle, at the start of your turn, gain a Yang buff, temporarily increasing your DEF by 75% and healing all allies by 8% of their max HP. This effect swaps to a Yin buff every other turn, temporarily increasing your ATK by 75% and permanently increasing your ATK and SPD by 10%. If a Yang buff is already in effect, a Yin buff will be applied instead, and vice versa
Base Stats
HP: 84
ATK: 95
DEF: 78
SPD: 78
TOTAL: 335

Maxed SR
HP: 245
ATK: 277
DEF: 228
SPD: 228
TOTAL: 978

Maxed UR
HP: 283
ATK: 321
DEF: 263
SPD: 263
TOTAL: 1130

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