Latest update: 05 September 2024

Series Ousama Ranking
Location Area: 86
Floors: 10, 20, 30
Element Neutralneutral
How to defeat Bebin floor »
Talent: Pain for Power
Sacrifice 7% of your allies current HP to increase the ATK and SPD of all allied familiars by 30%
Who sent you, and who are you here to kill?
Series Ousama Ranking
Location Area: 86
Floors: 1, 11, 21
Element Grassgrass
How to defeat Bojji floor »
Talent: Evasion
Increase your Evasion by 17%, allowing you to dodge enemy attacks
Series Ousama Ranking
Location Area: 86
Floors: 4, 14, 24
Element Groundground
How to defeat Bosse floor »
Talent: Devour
Deal 5% of max HP as True damage, and increase your base HP by 8%. This damage is increased by a % based on the difference between your base HP and the enemy familiars' base HP
There's no reason why you can't grow stronger.
Series Ousama Ranking
Location Area: 86
Floors: 2, 12, 22
Element Waterwater
How to defeat Daida floor »
Talent: Underdog DEF [Passive]
While your HP % is lower than the enemy's HP %, increase the DEF of all allies by 15%
If that were me, I would end my life in an instant.
Series Ousama Ranking
Location Area: 86
Floors: 7, 17, 27
Element Lightlight
How to defeat Desha floor »
Talent: Yin Yang [Passive]
At the beginning of the battle, at the start of your turn, gain a Yang buff, temporarily increasing your DEF by 75% and healing all allies by 4% of their max HP. This effect swaps to a Yin buff every other turn, temporarily increasing your ATK by 75% and permanently increasing your ATK and SPD by 5%. If a Yang buff is already in effect, a Yin buff will be applied instead, and vice versa
Back to the underworld!
Series Ousama Ranking
Location Area: 86
Floors: 9, 19, 29
Element Groundground
How to defeat Despa floor »
Talent: Unlucky Coin
Roll a 20 sided dice. Enemy familiars have their HP/ATK/DEF/SPD reduced by the amount rolled x 2 at random
For you to get stronger, you must first know yourself very well.
Series Ousama Ranking
Location Area: 86
Floors: 5, 15, 25
Element Lightlight
How to defeat Hilling floor »
Talent: Life Sap [Passive]
Every round, deal 2% of the enemy familiars' max HP as damage, and heal for 175% of the damage dealt
Look as hard as you can for the place where you can shine and stay there.
Series Ousama Ranking
Location Area: 86
Floors: 3, 13, 23
Element Darkdark
How to defeat Kage floor »
Talent: Restricted Instinct
Inflicts a stack of Silence on enemy familiars for up to 3 turns, restricting any of their abilities to be used
I've got your back from now on, Bojji. Always.
Series Ousama Ranking
Location Area: 86
Floors: 6, 16, 26
Element Grassgrass
How to defeat Miranjo floor »
Talent: Omniscient Hack [Passive]
Hack into your enemies in the beginning of the battle, gaining insight into your opponents. Decrease all damage taken by 18% and increase damage dealt by 15%
I can't go back anymore!
Series Ousama Ranking
Location Area: 86
Floors: 8, 18, 28
Element Neutralneutral
How to defeat Ouken floor »
Talent: Lethal Clarity [Passive]
Increase your CRIT and ATK by 12%. Whenever you inflict a CRIT, heal for 45% of the damage dealt